Friday, June 09, 2006

Love Me Like A Rock

I'm sure that Paul Simon said, "Hoodoo" in this song but probably spelled it "Who do."

We are finally back on line. Thanks to all of you who wrote to say that you were in withdrawal. One fan of this blog was seeking out a 12 step program to wean herself.

So here we are on Monday and still enjoying Bryce Canyon. I wasn't feeling great so I slept late and hung around while Jeff did laundry. In the afternoon we went to see the southern end of the park and went to Sunset Point at sunset which is the ultimate vantage point even though it faces east. Don't ask!

We had dinner at the local restaurant where Jeff had the cowboy buffet and especially enjoyed the pot roast. I had delicious grilled trout and mashed potatoes that Jeff swiped from the buffet for me. We had a great waitress aptly named Shirley. She had on a name tag that said "I am a hugger." We asked about that and she proudly told us it was true, but did not give out samples. She did offer to get me some pot roast from the buffet and then encouraged Jeff to get me some ice cream for dessert. People are just nicer here. At home they would have charged me for taking the tiniest bite off of Jeff's plate.

Back at the campsite we had another roaring fire and slept well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Judy - I've been reading your blog from time to time - and I have to agree, people are just nicer in this part of the country. Dallas is the friendliest place I have ever lived. We are off to Santa Fe on Monday (in your tracks). Arnie