Friday, June 02, 2006

Let's Open Up A Restaurant In Santa Fe...

On Thursday Jeff and I drove up to Taos. We took the scenic route and visited Chimayo on the way. The scenery was spectacular and photos don't do it justice. We passed through the Kit Carson National Forest and arrived in Taos to find a town even smaller than Santa Fe. There was a lovely plaza for shopping and lunch. We walked over to the Kit Carson house & museum and learned alot about this frontiersman and later Army officer.

The afternoon took us farther north to the Taos Pueblo. This is the Taos Indian Reservation and the pueblo is the ancient village which still houses several families. While the reservation has modern conveniences, the pueblo has no electricity (they use propane) and the water comes from a stream which they transport in buckets. The housing is adobe structures stacked up using ladders to reach the upper levels. Many of the residents are artisans and we visited their shops.

Dinner was a local Mexican place and we learned about sopaphilla (fry bread) which you eat with honey when the chili is just too hot.

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