Sunday, June 11, 2006

Not unless you add another "s"

One of the things Judy and I often discuss is where do we want to live when we retire. (No - we are not retired now. We are on sabbatical!) On the list of possibilities were desert places like Las Vegas or Scottsdale. I think we have probably ruled out that line of thinking. After spending the last week in the desert (New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Nevada) I don't think I would ever again consider living there.

It can be very hot. Yes, it is a dry heat, and, yes, I would prefer 100 degrees in the desert to 90 degrees with 90% humidity. But it's not just the heat. The sun - especially at higher altitudes like Santa Fe - can rip your skin right off even if the temperature is not that high. Judy and I were putting down bottled water by the case. Sun block and big hats are the order of the day. And the glare is enough to drive you crazy.

So does that narrow our list down to coastal areas? I don't know that I'm ready for Florida in the summer. We can't afford to live in San Diego (where we are now). The Carolinas? Maybe.

But after three weeks on the road I think we are beginning to see the same thing we saw when we took a similar trip 27 years ago. We currently live in one of the most beautiful areas of the country. Yes, it can be crowded. Yes, the people can be rude. But it's beautiful, has four seasons, and there's lots of cultural stuff to do.

So maybe for us coming home will be like dessert (there's that extra "s") after the trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can always retire to the Chicago area and hang out with your cousins.