Saturday morning and we reluctantly leave our camp in Malibu. We stopped up the road a bit to go wading in the Pacific. I couldn't leave without getting my feet wet. We followed the ocean north and then took Route 101 to Santa Barbara and eventually Stockton.
It was an interesting drive and we passed from green lawns to brown patches of earth. We were often surrounded by mountains and saw some terrible smog that I thought was a forest fire. We cruised by vineyards, fields of olive trees and citrus orchards. One area had thousands of cows standing in holding pens. I got a sick feeling of what they were waiting for and it was so hot and it smelled bad for a long time.
We finally got to Stockton and found a nice campground. The friendly office staff recommended a few restaurants and we set out to have dinner. We had read that you should always eat at any place that has a cow on the roof. Well we found the Chicken Kitchen Family Restaurant with a huge chicken on top of their signpost. The food was very good, but everything was fried. We started out with fried vegetable appetizers and moved on to fried chicken with rice and gravy for Jeff. I had chicken soup and fried prawns & catfish with mashed potatoes and gravy. The funniest part was that we enjoyed this repast from our picnic table in a jail cell. We only sat there because the Conestoga Wagon was already occupied.
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