Friday, June 09, 2006

Viva Las Vegas

It is Friday, June 9, and I am caught up finally. A good connection is a wonder.

Well today was a catch up day. We had no interest in going back to The Strip so we hung around the campground. Jeff had arranged to have a mechanic come out and look at our broken A/C. They decided to order us a new unit which they'll install tomorrow morning. Meanwhile I had arranged for Ziggy to have a bath (remember she was swimming in the river)and spend the day at an air conditioned doggie day care. I did three loads of laundry, made an appointment to have my nails done and did a few errands on the way.

The heat and traffic here makes me wonder why anyone would want to live here, but the new construction of homes, hotels and casinos makes me think that somebody finds this appealing. We drove over to the In & Out Burger to get lunch. Brian had recommended this fast food to us on our last visit and we found it worth a return trip. As usual it was packed and mostly with tourists. How do they all find this place?

After dark we headed to a recommended seafood restaurant away from the action and had a good meal.

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