There are few things more fun than a day at the zoo. In this case it was a day at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Though not as well known as the San Diego Zoo, the Wild Animal Park is run under the same auspices as the Zoo. It was originally a breeding area for the zoo animals and opened to the general public due to popular demand.
This lady lion (along with her mate) seemed to want to show off for us. This was a magnificent example the species - beautiful, dignified, powerful. We spent a lot of time watching her watch us.
Today is our last day in San Diego. The RV is in the shop having the black water tank valve replaced. We have slept in a real bed for the first time in 3 weeks.
It is hard to describe our sense of time. We are 3-1/2 weeks into the trip. It seems more like a way of life than a vacation. We sort of think about the mail piling up at home. We try to stay on top of the bills as best we can (There goes the credit rating!). But the days pass one-by-one and we seem to keep moving on.
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