Monday, June 23, 2008

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

Today we endured the worst roads of the entire trip. Leaving Chicken we were on the same gravel road that was rough, but tolerable. After turning south on the Alaska Highway the road got much worse. Since we had driven north on it, they were resurfacing the road and it was just terrible and you really couldn't go more than 30 mph. So we bumped and shook all the way to Whitehorse where we were relieved to park.

Nothing memorable about the 281 mile trip except that we arrived safely and that's all that counts. This campground is a huge gravel parking lot, but I like it here. They have some wooded tent sites on one side and they make a good place to walk Ziggy. The RV's are parked in a row, head to toe, and not much space in between. Oh maybe we've been on the road too long when a gravel lawn starts to look good.

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