Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Today we took a trolley tour in Anchorage. Our group car pooled downtown and boarded the trolley at 11am. The hour ride went all around the city and to Earthquake Park and the airport. The city was hit by an earthquake on Good Friday in 1964 and it is the largest ever to hit North America. Luckily there were only 9 deaths here due to the holiday since no one was at work or school. The city was devasted as were other areas of Aaska. The airport is interesting because it has a huge lake which is a float plane base.
Anyway the city is fun with lots of touristy shops and restaurants and a downtown mall with Nordstrom's. We sent the group on to the wonderful Anchorage Museum, but we had been there twice and decided that was enough. We did drive over to Ship Creek to see if any salmon had arrived there, but not yet. Last year we were lucky to see beavers here, but this year there were only gulls also looking for the salmon.

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