A couple of days ago I mentioned we were in Liard Hot Springs. What I didn't mention is that, when climbing out of the spring, I slipped and fell backward. No big deal... except I was holding my camera at the time! It was underwater for only a second, but that was enough. Stone dead.
It has since come back to life -- sort of. You see the viewfinder image (with water spots) when you turn it on, but none of the buttons or dials works. Thanks to buy.com there should be a new camera waiting for us in Fairbanks.
Luckily, though, we were prepared. We have our old Canon Elph with us. While it has a lower resolution and a smaller zoom it still takes good pictures -- like the top one above.
That is the Nisutlin Bay Bridge at Teslin Lake in the Yukon. Teslin Lake is huge and beautiful. Our campground had a gorgeous lakeside view, and we had great (but cold) weather to boot. And luckily we had our backup camera to take pictures like this. Especially since taking pictures is part of our job.
The second picture (taken with someone else's camera) is our entire group at the Signpost Forest in Watson Lake. It looks like a group of rugged individuals if you ask me.
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