Tuesday, May 13, 2008

9 to 5

Oh yes. I am a working girl, not in an office, but in the beautiful great outdoors. It is sunny and windy today and Jeff and I are busy greeting guests. I am also spending lots of time on a pay phone reconfirming reservations and that kind of stuff. We purchased a Canadian calling card since there is a one dollar per minute surcharge to use our cell phone in Canada.

Jeff has been dispatched to town to do some shopping and errands and I am happily doing chores around the RV. Ziggy and I took a long walk and she is such a good girl as long as there are no other dogs around. She is so well travelled and we enjoy her company. She has finally figured out that she can sit or lay down while we drive and that is making a positive impact on all of us.

More shopping at the WalMart as we needed a new DVD player so we can watch all the movies we brought with us. Later we cooked dinner and met a few more of our trekmates.

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