Sunday, May 18, 2008

Home on the Range

We reluctantly pack up and leave the hot springs for Watson Lake. Again we are lucky on the road and see two brown bears soon after leaving the camp. One sow is quite large and not at all scared of us. We stopped across the road and she checked us out and continued eating grass and looking up to make sure we were still behaving. The highway is only two lanes with wide grassy verges on both sides, so you have great viewing for animals on both sides of the road. We saw more herds of buffalo and one group was sleeping on a hilltop with the bull in front in a defensive position. One herd had a tiny baby who was light brown and very hungry. He walked nearly underneath as his mom ate grass and he nursed.

Arriving at the camp ground we headed out in the rain to a small cafe for lunch and then did some grocery shopping. At 3pm our group walked to the Sign Post Forest and hung a sign which Jeff had made for us with all our names and hometowns. We also located our sign from last year. When Brian was 16 he came to Alaska with a teen travel tour. He asked me last year if I had seen their sign and I laughed and said did he remember where it was hung. I actually looked in some older areas this year, but did not see their sign among the 60,000 or so hanging there. I did find a sign that said Bluffton, our new home town. Also saw one from Bucks County, our old home town, but these can be from many states.

Later I went to a show with the group featuring wildlife along the Alaska Highway and the Aurora Borealis. The chairs were so comfy I dozed off, but what I remember was pretty good.

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