Friday, May 09, 2008

Cold as a Witch's ...

Williston, ND. A cute town in the middle of nowhere. But it has all the necessities: restaurants, supermarkets, fairgrounds, and a Wal-mart.

This morning we woke up to a cold (38 deg.) pouring rain. That sucking sound you hear is our propane tank emptying.

Since we are a day or two ahead of schedule we decided to take a scenic route through Montana even though it would add a couple of hundred miles to the trip. With this weather there is not much point to taking a scenic drive. I sure hope the heater in HaRVey the RV is up to the task today.

The funny part is that we checked in with the campground in Dawson Creek yesterday, and they said that the temperature has been in the 60s and 70s. I'll believe it when I see it.

We are really starting to get excited about the trek. Judy has been doing lots of work as we drive. She put together a schedule of all the contacts we have to make by date required. We have been doing our trek shopping: coffee supplies, first aid kit, bingo prizes, etc.

We enjoy organizing things and being in charge. It's just a shame that we will have to miss some of the attractions on the trip because we have to leave so early in the morning. Judy will have to ask a guest to buy her blueberry honey at the World's Largest Glass Beehive. (It's not as impressive as it sounds.) She bought some last year and used it all year long in her tea.

Now I have the pleasure of going out and disconnecting everything in the cold rain. I guess it's fair. Judy walked Ziggy this morning.

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