Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hot stuff, Cold stuff

So I just looked on line at the forecast for Bluffton - high 80s, low 90s. And I'm sitting here in Watson Lake, Yukon freezing my butt off on the porch of the RV park because it's the only place I can get wifi.

It's been cold and rainy the last couple of days. But yesterday we soaked in the warm water of Liard Hot Springs. This is a really neat and beautiful place that we first visited last year. There is a large double natural pool with hot water (145 deg) flowing in at one end and getting cooler as it flows down through the two pools. It was wonderful and really relaxing.

Afterward we went back to the RV and tried to have a campfire, but the rain started and put a damper (literally!) in the festivities.

Watson Lake is home to one of my favorite (read quirky) places on the whole trip. It is the home of the Signpost Forest. In 1942, during the construction of the Alaska Highway, a lonely soldier tacked a sign up on a tree with the name of his hometown and the distance to it. It started a tradition that took on a life of its own. There are now over 60,000 signs of every shape and size commemorating visits from all over the world.

We had the sign in the picture made out of engraved plastic so it would last. It has the names and home towns of everyone on our trek. I hope many people can read it over the years to come. By dumb luck we found a license plate that two of our trek members from last year had posted. We didn't even know it was there! We also found what was left of our sign from last year. It was just marker on foamcore, and the red image is totally gone. But Judy's and my names are still there.

It seemed like a comfort food sort of day, so I went to the grocery store and bought the fixings for pot roast. Not the best I ever made, but it sure hit the spot.
Now, let me go back in the rig where it's warm!

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