Thursday, July 19, 2007

What rises in the north and sets in the north?

The sun in Alaska in the summer. In Fairbanks, which was as far north as we got, the sun sort of set but it never got really dark. The darkest it ever got was about like a half hour after sunset at home. (Yes, it really screws up your system!)

But the sun doesn’t didn’t rise in the east and set in the west. It rose slightly east of north and set slightly west of north. It was sort of interesting trying to figure out what time of day we might have shade in any given spot. We were usually wrong.

Now that we are in Seward, which is about 325 miles south of Fairbanks, we actually have something approaching night. The sun sets around 10 or 11 at night. (It’s been really cloudy, so it’s hard to tell.) At night it is almost dark.

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