The title today is from a song by The Bobs and the top two photos were taken at Turnagin Arm where we searched unsuccessfully for Beluga whales. The road from Anchorage south is just beautiful with the water on your right and beyond that ranges of mountains. We stopped often along the way to look out and saw the train at one stop.
Later we stopped at the Alyeska Resort which is noted as the best hotel in Alaska. Popular for skiing in winter, it is a hiking paradise in summer and also a jumping off point for paragliding. We took the tram to the top and were tempted to do a tandem glide, but time and money stopped that thought. Instead we walked around and enjoyed the views from the top and had a delicious lunch.
Arriving in Seward we were greeted by a charming coastal town and our city campground was on a gravel beach. The locals said that this area had lost about 60 feet which fell into the sea in the 1964 earthquake. They never rebuilt because it isn't safe, but seems to be good enough for tourists to camp. We felt no tremors and enjoyed three wonderful days exploring the land and sea.
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