Saturday, July 14, 2007

Anchors Away

Today is tour day in Anchorage. We have tickets to a one hour trolley tour and the city has lots of charming sights. Downtown the visitor center has a sod roof and the streets have beautiful hanging flower pots and planters. The color scheme is purple and yellow, the Alaska state flag colors. We visited a statue of Captain Cook and a float plane base. On the edge of the city is Earthquake Park, a grim reminder of the 1964 disaster that ruined the city and took lives from here to California with shaking and tsunamis.

The city has a farmers market and we walked around and had lunch there. They had all kinds of food as well as crafters and a few produce stands. Later we spent some time at the Anchorage Museum. This is a first rate collection about Alaska natives, wildlife, gold, oil, WWII and present day.

After dinner we ventured back downtown to visit Ship Creek. This is a river and dam where salmon swim upstream to spawn. We saw several large (3') salmon and dozens of fishermen. The most fun was a few playful beavers who are the largest member of the rat family.

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