Monday, July 16, 2007

Look at Me I'm Sandra Dee

Monday is the most gorgeous weather day we've had so far. Bright blue sky and not a cloud to be seen. The first day since July 4th that I didn't need to wear a sweater or jacket. We had lots of plans and they all fizzled as we relaxed and enjoyed.

Jeff headed off with the trekmaster to do some shopping for an upcoming dinner. I set out to find a nail salon and had a wonderful manicure and pedicure. It felt good to be pampered. For lunch I had a vanilla milkshake and drove home to find Jeff taking a snooze on the couch. What a great day!

Dinnertime we joined the group for a chuck wagon style dinner complete with ribs, chicken, halibut, fried, corn fritters, slaw and dessert. We rolled out of the restaurant and into their gift/chocolate shop and then a small theatre with an amusing (and thankfully) short show.

Now I am doing some more laundry and finally have internet access. Tomorrow we leave for Seward which will give us views of water and glaciers.

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