Sunday, July 08, 2007

Hillbilly Golf

A couple of things are going on here. First of all, here is Judy playing a game called "Hillbilly Golf" (or "Redneck Golf," if you are so inclined). The game is played using the racks you see. Each person (or team) has 3 sets of pairs of golf balls connected by a string. The object is to toss the balls and wrap the string around the opposing cross beams.

Watching Judy do this for the first time is entertaining. But it is also the first time we have posted a video to our blog (a new feature from Blogger) so it is the first chance we have had to thank Al and Eileen Goldstein for the video camera.

So here is Judy playing Hillbilly Golf and our first attempt at a blog video. Just click on the Play button above.

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