Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Sloop John B.

Today is our boat ride on Prince Willam Sound. I think you should read Jeff's blog for the details of the day, but it was disapponting for us. You can't control the weather, but it was unfortunately not a day we want to remember.
The boat was gorgeous with shiny wood and oriental rugs. There were too many people on board without enough comfortable seating for inclement weather. We did see a humpback whale and her calf and I enjoyed seeing them glide through the water and one good glimpse of her tail. Also saw some puffins, sea lions and waterfalls. We never got close to Columbia Glacier and that was to be a highlight of the trip, but there is always next time. Jeff and I feel lucky to have seen all that we have in our lifetime so no more complaining from me.

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