Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Unfinished Symphony

The second part of our tour was to the Sagrada Familia or Holy Family Church. Almost 100 years and still not completed. They hope to finish in 2026 to commemorate. 100 years after Gaudi's death.

The structure is amazing for the architecture all built with arches and no buttresses or support from the outside walls. There is no decoration or art inside, only stained glass windows and glass lights fashioned for each of the gospels. The altarpiece was bizarre looking like something from Cirque du Soleil. Jesus looks like he is about to leap upwards from the crucifix. The church will hold 10,000 and the choir loft 1200. The outside is truly amazing with stories and figures from the Bible. You could spend a long time looking and learning here. Good thing we came on a tour as the line to get in went around the block, but well worth the wait.

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