Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hello Dolly

Actually it is Hello Dali as we visited his theatre/museum today. We woke up to a cloudy day and walked to the train station. We took the regional train which takes two hours to Figueres, the birthplace and childhood home of Salvatore Dali. His museum is as bizarre as his art and we loved it all.

It was raining by the time we arrived and we got wet as we walked from the station to the museum stopping at a cafe for lunch along the way. The building is decorated with huge eggs along the roofline and statues of nude women with loaves of bread on their heads.

The first exhibit is a garden with Dali's Cadillac and a large statue of his wife, Gala, posed on the top. If you put a Euro in the slot it rains inside the car. It gets more bizarre as you go on. Lots of art was displayed and he was very talented and had paintings of many different styles. Lots of sculptures and weird displays. In the Mae West room you have to climb stairs to look through a lens to get the total effect.

After touring the museum we went to another area to view his jewelry designs including the beating heart. Some of it was amazing and most just strange. The man was a genius and quite weird.

We took the train back and arrived in Barcelona just in time to eat dinner. Most restaurants close after lunch and reopen at 8 or 8:30 which is really late for us. Now I am awake at 12:48 because I am too full to sleep.

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