Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Spanish Panic

This song title is from Once Upon A Mattress and suggested by Jeff.

Tonight we had a true Spanish experience as we enjoyed Tablao Flamenco. We had bought tickets for the show last night along with dinner and were not sure what to expect. Turned out to be a delightful experience and a great memory of our trip.

We went to a tiny venue and were seated at a tiny table. The room was about 20 feet wide and we were in the second row of tables. The meal was served at 7:00 and the show followed at 8:00.

First came the drinks and we were each entitled to four. We chose the Sangria and it was sweet and refreshing. First course was cheese, jambon ( cured ham thinly sliced) served with Melba toast. Then came gazpacho followed by paella. The main course arrived and was ox tail which Jeff said tasted like ossu bucco. Good thing he liked it because he ate mine also along with the mashed potatoes. Dessert was flan and then they served some type of tart, slushy drink. A very typical meal and good.

I was busy talking with an American gal who was sitting behind us. She had been a student at Boston U. when Jeff was there and very interesting. Made for a more enjoyable evening.

The show started with two guitar players and two male singers seated on the tiny stage. Then came three dancers who did an opening number together. Then each of them did a long solo number. All of this was accompanied by the singing and lots of clapping. No castanets were used. We were impressed by the emotion and talent. A very different style then I had ever seen.

The dancing is lots of small and very intricate steps. The two ladies each held up their dress so we could see their leg work. The male dancer wore a suit with a dress shirt and boy was he sweating. Lots of turns and arm motions made it interesting.

Not going to say I loved it, but glad to have this experience. I'll attach photos, but they are dark.

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