Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Love Me Like a Rock

A visit to the Rock of Gibraltar was our tour today. We caught a bus from our hotel with a guide and she took us through customs from Spain into the country of Gibraltar. You merely hold up your passport and they wave you into the tiny country. Upon arrival you see the huge rock and the town with one main street 30,000 people and 300 apes who live here.

Our group were herded into mini vans and our guide, Bart, is from Belgium and a very funny guy. His best line is pointing out the American Embassy which is McDonald's. He drove us up the rock where we stopped at Europa point to see the harbor and the mosque built by the king of Saudi Arabia. From this point you can see both the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea and two continents, Europe and Africa. You can also see Spain, Gibraltar and Morocco. A very unique place.

We started to see apes along the road and when we stopped to see the caves there were lots of curious apes waiting to see us. The caves were magnificent with very old formations. I love going to caves and this was very beautiful with lots of columns, curtains, stalagmites and stalactites.

Next stop was the apes den and more chances to see and interact with the apes. One tiny baby was nursing and another jumped on our guide's head and then on Jeff. Many climbed on the vehicles. Lots of fun.

After touring more on the rock we returned to town for a few hours. Jeff and I had fish and chips for lunch and appreciated getting to speak English in this British country. They even have their own currency which is based on British Sterling and not Euros.

We strolled the shopping street which is full of jewelry and duty free liquor stores. We walked a few blocks to find one of the four synagogues, but it was not open for visitors. I did get a pretty necklace and got to pose with a street statue who was Don Quixote.

Luckily, the rain held off even though it was gloomy. We got back on the bus and slept most of the way home. After a rest period we went to a good Italian restaurant and had an enjoyable dinner now we are resting and watching CNN.

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