Friday, October 19, 2012

Honky-tonk Woman

Our last night in Barcelona. After a long siesta we awoke and took a cab to the Cathedral, the last item on my to see list. Glad we made the effort as it is one of the great churches of Europe.

The original site was a pagan temple since 293 or some very early year. It was later converted to a Christian church and improved over the centuries with the facade added much more recently. It is an amazing site and with our luck we were present for a choir concert on the main altar. The acoustics are incredible and just sitting and looking around was spiritual and calming.

Around the nave are 28 side chapels which honor saints and others and also serve as support for the roof. Amazing architecture! Even better was a walk through the cloisters where there are palm and fruit trees as well as a flock of geese. Many people are buried beneath this area and their names are inscribed on their stones in the walkways as well as symbols of their craft or work in life.

We walked a bit visiting an outdoor food fest and settled on Italian for dinner. Now I have had my gelato and we are relaxing before packing our bags and going to sleep.

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