Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Walk on the Wild Side

After our siesta we decided to walk the entire Ramblas and started out about 5 pm. We started out on the adjacent street Portal de l'Angel and found some crafter's booths. One guy had adorable Italian felt bags and I found one made to fit my iPad. It is purple and green, made just for me.

Next we walked through medieval streets that now house stores and cafes and then crossed back to the Ramblas at the flower market area. La Boqueria was a block down and it is a large food market with stalls selling everything from quails eggs to goat heads with the eyes intact. Fish, fruit and vegetables of every variety were displayed as well as chocolates and nuts...

The Liceu Opera house was next and then we saw Placa Reial to our left. It is a large square with palm trees and restaurants around the edges. There are two early Gaudi light posts in the center and a fountain. Going back to the Ramblas we crossed to the other side and found the Palau Guell, an apartment building by Gaudi, done in his early days.

We finally got to the bottom and the waterfront with the Columbus column. After taking some pictures we started to walk uphill and decided to eat back at Placa Reial. No amount of planning could have gotten us such an entertaining evening. We were seated at an outdoor cafe at a tiny table next to another couple. They immediately began a conversation and we sat there for a few hours enjoying the food and company. Jeff had paella and I had a terrific salad with avocado, smoked salmon and cheese. Sarah and Adrian are both British and have apartments in Barcelona. Such interesting people and we talked and talked. The funniest thing is she is a Tom Lehrer fan and we had fun talking about that and cars and lots more.

We finally left and continued our walk with a stop for gelato. Now we are ready for bed and another adventure tomorrow.

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