Monday, October 15, 2012

On the Road Again

This time we have crossed the "pond" to sunny Spain. We left home Friday to take a leisurely 2 pm flight to Atlanta and expected a two hour layover for our direct flight to Barcelona. Well, as good 'ol Will Shakespeare says, "Alls well that ends well." Our dear friends Jan and Harvey dropped us off and we found our fight was delayed and then delayed again so we started to get nervous. In the end the plane arrived and we sat on the runway for a while before taking off and finally got to Atlanta and our gate with about 25 minutes to catch our connection at a far away terminal. We ran through the airport like the old OJ Simpson commercials and arrived at the gate gasping for breath. Luckily the lovely gate agent where we got off our Savannah flight called and they were expecting us. We were the last people to board, a first for us as we are always careful to be way ahead of time. Our seats were waiting and we had a good flight and I was able to sleep after watching Mamma Mia for the upteenth time. Poor Jeff was not able to doze off.

We arrived in Barcelona and somehow our luggage was there too. Got our rental car to head south to our time share. Found the place after exploring two other towns by mistake and settled in for naps. Now we are kind of rested and ready to set out in search of food.

As we drove off to Tarragona we discovered that our little town of Cambrils is delightful. It is a seaside vacation area with lovely beaches and marinas. There is a wide promenade along the water with nice looking people strolling and bicycling. Across the street are lines of outdoor cafes with folks enjoying wine and tapas. We parked the car and walked until we found the most beautiful restaurant with lush geraniums in window boxes surrounding the eatery. We ordered a large bottle of water with ice after perusing the English menus. The Spaniards don't eat dinner until 8 pm or later, but we are Americans and ravenous. Large green olives were brought to the table and a yummy order of bread loaded with olive oil and a tomato spread. I had a fish called Hake covered with shrimps in a cream sauce. The shrimps were like butter and melted in my mouth. The dish was very good. Jeff had honeydew with jambon (prosciutto) and only ate half. He had spaghetti bolognese for the main event. He took the rest of the melon home for breakfast. Afterwards we strolled along the promenade watching the sun go down and admiring some interesting sculptures.

Tomorrow the touring will begin.

That's me on the promenade with an interesting sculpture that looks like two giant shrimp. The main drag with cafes lining the street. Jeff with his melon. The front of the sculpture showing a fisherman bring in the catch.

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