Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Anniversary Waltz

Today is our 41st anniversary! A special day, but unfortunately Jeff has gotten a nasty cold and wanted to stay in bed and sleep. Realizing his last night I emailed a tour guide here and arranged to go on a morning tour in the Gothic Quarter and the Jewish museum. So I sadly left Jeff and set off to meet the guide and two other couples.

Francesca is an architect/guide who is very knowledgable about Barcelona and its Jewish history. We walked near the main Cathedral and found some walls created with Jewish grave stones and we could read the Hebrew inscriptions. We visited th Sinagoga Mayor which is now a museum. The site was found in the 1970's and became a landmark and opened to the public in 1997. Afterwards I went to a tea shop and then the City Museum. This building has elevators that take you several floors below ground to see excavated areas that you view from catwalks. So interesting.

I walked home to find Jeff up and dressed and feeling a little bit better. We had tickets to visit the Pedrera, a Gaudi designed apartment house, and we walked a few blocks to get there. Using their audio guides we saw the amazing rooftop the attic and a furnished apartment. Unbelievably we saw an old Trenton friend, Nancy Teich Frost while walking around. Such a small world.

We then stopped for some sangria and tapas and now we are back in the hotel to rest up for mañana.

Photos at a model of the Pedrera, the outside of the old synagogue, excavations at the City Museum and meeting our old pal, Nancy.

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