Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sugar Shack


We woke to one of those days where the weather can't make up its mind. Clouds, bright sunshine, rain and even thunder all day long. We slept late and around noon I decided we needed to eat pancakes. We headed north to Polly's Pancake Parlor in Sugar Hill, NH, just above Franconia Notch State Park. The place is famous and we have been there several times in the past when we used to visit my sister and her family at their vacation home in Loon. Even with a reservation and during the week it was packed and we had to wait for a table. The food is as good as I remembered. I had the pancake sampler and there are six - 3" pancakes. I had plain batter with blueberries, oatmeal batter and my favorite, cornmeal batter with walnuts. They bring out one of each and then the rest are served hot when they see you are ready. They will even prepare these treats gluten free. Jeff also had blueberry pancakes with eggs and really good maple bacon. Yum, yum!

Afterwards we drove to the little town of Franconia to visit the Frost Place Museum where Robert Frost and his family lived and the nature inspired much of his poetry. In the photos I am standing in a field of wildflowers and the front porch of his farmhouse. We saw an informative video and toured the very plain house.
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