Tuesday, August 21, 2012

By the Sea


It's Tuesday and another picture perfect day. Our adventure today is whale watching out of Provincetown. We set out early to drive the one and two lane roads that take you to the (almost) end of Cape Cod. You finally reach Provincetown which is bustling, colorful and adorable. There are shops, restaurants and tons of tourists all walking in the streets and enjoying the beautiful day. We got there and checked in for our 2 pm trip. Then we wandered around and enjoyed lunch at The Lobster Pot where Jeff had chowda and I had lobster bisque all with a great view of the water. Some more walking around and then we got on board the Dolphin VII for our three hour tour. Unlike Gilligan we were safely returned afterwards with happy smiles. Leaving the dock we saw this replica of the Bounty made for a recent TV movie and a great view of P-town from the water.
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