Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Wake up and drive is our mantra today and we breeze through Atlanta and south through Macon to Interstate 95 heading north from Savannah to Bluffton. We finally reached Exit 8 and turned east to Sun City. It feels so good to be back at our house.

Everything looks so green and beautiful here with flowers blooming and the very hot sun shining. Our street was paved while we were gone and it looks great. We pulled up and were greeted by a few neighbors and began to unpack. Getting everything out of HaRVey took all afternoon, but it was finally done and we collapsed. Later we ate, started the laundry and got back to the normal routine. It felt so good to take a real shower and sleep in our king size bed.

What a wonderful adventure we had. I need some time to reflect on all the incredible things we saw and experienced. We are so lucky to have had this opportunity to drive to some of the most beautiful places on earth and to meet so many interesting people.

Thanks for reading this blog and I hope to continue when we plan our next trip.

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