Thursday, June 09, 2016

Walking Down Canal Street

Today we visited the Panama Canal, celebrating its 100th birthday this month. We awoke to a sunny morning and had a nice breakfast in our hotel. Everyone is so friendly and very helpful with our Spanish. Most speak good English, so no problems with communicating.

Our driver, Enrique, arrived at 9:00 and we were joined by another couple from our tour group. Surprise, they live in a Sun City in Las Vegas! First we drove to the Miraflores Locks which are the third set of three locks on the canal. Treated to great views of the Pacific coast and stunning skyscrapers in Panama City along the way.

We watched two boats go through the locks. There are forty each day and in the morning all ships going to the Pacific and in the afternoon all heading to the Atlantic. We were able to see the new larger lane being completed in the distance. It will open on June 26, 2016. There is a small museum at the locks and we viewed that learning about the history.

Then we drove to Ancon Hill which was used as an observation site for the building of the canal. Luckily our van made it to the top and we still had to walk another small hill on this very hot and humid day. Great views of the canal, city and surrounding areas. From there we drove over the bridge of the Americas. It is on the International Highway which runs from the top of Alaska to the bottom of Chile. Near the bridge is a Chinese gate and monument to commemorate the Union of Panamanian and Chinese workers in building the Canal and continued friendship.

Next we headed out to an area being renovated along the coast. It had been an American enclave and now restaurants and attractions are building there. There is an unusual looking building that is a bio museum. Yes, designed by Frank Gehry and extremely colorful.

To finish our tour we headed to Casco Viejo, old Panama City. A delightful cluster of tiny streets teeming with restaurants, shops, churches and the presidential palace. Cannot wait to go back and stroll this area.

Back at the hotel we are hungry. We walked a few blocks and purchased Jeff a SIM card for his phone. Now he can make phone calls and have a data connection without WIFI. Nearby was a restaurant called Manolo's. Very comfortable, almost like an upscale diner. We both order fried corvina, a white, sweet fish. We were surprised when we each got a whole fried fish, head and all. It was truly delicious as was the bread basket. Jeff had fries and I had fried pantains, who is dieting?

Afterwards we stopped at a supermarket to get some wine. We are invited to a friend's home for dinner tonight. Will write about that later. Meanwhile the market looked similar to the ones in the states and large signs in Spanish and English adorned the sales to help you find your products. Most of the same things that we find at home and similar pricing.

After a siesta we are ready to see an old friend from Yardley. For over 15 years Victoria did my nails every other week and we became good friends. She is now living in Panama City with her husband Jacob and son and daughter in law. Vicki and Jacob picked us up and we went to her son's apartment in swanky new hi rise section of town. From their 54th floor balcony we had a panoramic view of the city and Pacific Ocean. We all enjoyed a delicious dinner and good conversation reminiscing about old times. What a joy to reconnect.

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