Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Cielito Lindo

Another adventure awaits. Jeff and I are at the Savannah airport on our way to Panama. We have a two week trip planned with a city and country tour and bird watching too.

A great flight and we arrive safely. A friendly driver named Tommy picks us up and speaks perfect English. He drives us to the Crowne Plaza in Panama City. We drive on a four lane highway and pass many skyscrapers and several casinos. Billboards advertise Little Caesars Pizza and Domino's.  Lots of American food chains here.

It is hot and humid and our room is quite warm. When they can't fix the a/c they move us to another room. Now it is midnight and we are finally in bed with all our "stuff" plugged in and charging.

A city tour is planned for tomorrow so off to sleep now.

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