Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Last Night of the World

Thank you Miss Saigon for this beautiful song.

We stayed overnight in the Crowne Plaza at Tocumen Airport in Panama City. A wonderful hotel that is one year old. Beautiful, large room and good facilities. We arrived about 9:00 and woke be fore 5:00 am to go to the airport. Everything went smoothly using the hotel shuttle.

Funny things happen and make us laugh. Panama is full of young travelers. Jeff and I were often asked if we needed help during our trip. At the airport a lady offered me her seat on the bus and was sure I needed to sit as. Heartily declined.  As we checked in for our flight the young ticket agent insisted that Jeff use a wheel chair to the gate. He said, "It is a long walk." We must look really old to these 20 and 30 somethings.

Our three and a half hour flight from Panama City to Atlanta went smoothly. I watched two movies, My Name is Doris and Brooklyn and enjoyed both. A short layover and we were on the plane to Savannah. Our friends Jan and Harvey picked us up and we had an early dinner at Ruby Tuesday's.

Everything was fine at our house, but lonely without Sirius. He will come home tomorrow. I unpacked and did laundry. Talked to a few friends on the phone and spent most of the night downloading my pictures and beginning the sorting.

The end to an enjoyable trip.

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