Friday, June 17, 2016

River Deep, Mountain High

Checked out of The Oasis early and walked to the shuttle depot with overnight bags. We took a 12 person van for three hours to reach Bocas Del Toro. A beautiful ride through the mountainous countryside. We passed a river with an impressive dam. Lots of vegetation and sparse housing. There were nine passengers in the van and two men are friends of Brian's. Small world! They are the owners of Bambuda Lodge where Brian stayed for two weeks last year. It is located on Solarte Island just a short water taxi ride from Bocas town. Such wonderful men and we took a photo to send to Brian as a keepsake. They also recommended a boat tour for us and booked it.

Finally out of the shuttle and off to the boat ramp. We loaded into a motorboat with seats for 20 and all had to wear our life vests. A 20 minute ride got us to the dock at Bocas Town. We climbed out and got our luggage. Our hotel was a short walk and right on the water. We had just booked and could not get a waterfront room, but not too disappointed. Our small suite has a kitchenette, sitting area and a huge bathroom. Ultra modern with white paint and dark wood trims and closet.

The town is a all with a few streets jammed with shops, restaurants and even ATV rentals. One place had their signs written in Hebrew. I asked and was told the owner is a Hebrew.

Unpacked in a jiffy and another stroll to a lunch place on the water. Views were great, food not so much. They do have good wifi and I am writing this at our table overlooking the Caribbean.

Walking back to the hotel we saw rentals for scooters, ATV's and decided on a souped up golf cart. We jumped in immediately and drove over an hour to Bluff Beach.

The sandy road runs around the edge of the island along the ocean. The water is very rough and we saw a few surfers. The road turn to large rocks and dirt and it was a very bumpy ride. Turns and twists and up and down into potholes. Worth it for the beauty and views.

We saw others on motorized vehicles, bicycles and horseback. At the beach there is a restaurant, pool and chaises to relax. Made our way back to civilization in time to shower and have dinner.

A couple from our tour are staying in this hotel and we met up for dinner. We tried a place called Bibi's on a nearby island. A water taxi took us over and left us at a dock that was badly in need of repairs. Very long, it had loose boards and missing boards with large holes to jump over. This was okay when we arrived and not so much when we left in the dark.

Dinner at the outdoor area was so lovely. They specialize in fish and shrimp and food was good and presented well. Pretty views and cooler as it got dark. As we looked at the dock there was no lights. Luckily we had our smart phones with flashlight and used that to maneuver our way to the water taxi.

Safely back at the hotel we sat outside for a while enjoying the fresh air.

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