Tuesday, May 30, 2006

We gotta get out of this place

I think one of the most interesting experiences on this trip is meeting different people from all over the country. One theme keeps popping up over and over again. People in the rest of the country are, as a whole, much nicer than people from the northeast (present company excepted, of course).

From sales clerks who truly want to help you and campground hosts who are really pleased to see you to everyday people who really mean it when they say, "Have a nice day," people seem to be much more pleasant away from the northeast. Part of the tradeoff, of course, is that everything is also more laid back. You don't want to be in a hurry - especially in the south.

But the whole experience makes me want to re-think my plans for living out my retirement years. I think we are so inured to rudeness (or to be less negative - a lack of kindness) that we take it for granted that all people are that way. I'm not completely convinced that it's not a red state vs. blue state phenomenon. But I'm am going to make a real effort when I get home to be more pleasant - and mean it!

You have my permission to remind me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff: You said you are going to: make a real effort when I get home to be more pleasant - and mean it!

Jeff, don't forget you are a Glazer and that is harder said than done!

Why wait until you get home???