Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Home, Home on the Range

This morning we drove on historic Route 66 from Montoya to Santa Rosa, NM. The road runs right next to the interstate, but still it is neat. We turned north toward Santa Fe and decided on the way to visit the old gun slinger town Las Vegas. Even Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders came here. Not much is left so we headed out to see Ft. Union which was the largest supply depot in the territories.

The place was so desolate that it was hard to believe that it had been an important stop on the Santa Fe Trail. During the Civil War the Confederacy sent troops here, but they were easily defeated by the Union forces who continued to control the fort. Jeff and I were concerned about the signs saying not to go off the paths as there were rattlesnakes. Luckily we didn't see any snakes, but we did see a Prong Horn Antelope. The ranger said they are the only antelope that lives outside of Africa. We saw a few more of these antelopes from the road.

We were riding at a higher altitude and kept the windows open which was very comfortable. Santa Fe sits at 6400' and the city is all adobe style architecture in tans and browns. We found our campground and later went to the Centro to have dinner and walk around. Looking forward to exploring tomorrow.

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