Saturday, May 20, 2006

Hit the Road Jack...

Well here we are in Natural Bridge, VA at a lovely campground and sitting by a bright fire amid shady trees. We got up at 7am and left before 9. Barb and Rick came over to say goodbye and take photos of us driving off. We headed west on the PA turnpike and spotted an eagle (with its prey,a black snake) along the shoulder near King of Prussia. Our first wildlife sighting!

We cruised through MD and WV quickly. Jeff enjoyed a southern style lunch at a WV rest area - stuff from McCaffrey's deli. We drove south on I-81 in VA. This is such a friendly state as signs proclaimed "no RV's" at each rest area. The scenery, however, is beautiful. We are driving parallel to Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah Valley and gorgeous mountains are all around us. We're cruising with the oldies station bringing us the songs we love and red wildflowers dotting the sides of the road. We pass a Revolutionary War re-enactment with hundreds of tents and lots of folk in period costumes. Gas costs 2.79 gal. and we have a chipmunk right under our RV (Second wildlife sighting). I don't count domestic/farm animals or road kill.

The best news of the day is the campground has a restaurant that delivers dinner to your site. I had crab cakes and they were pretty good. This is my idea of camping - no cooking and no clean up.

A safe, successful first day. Tomorrow we head south to Tennessee, home of Davy Crockett and Elvis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved your first day's comments. Keep them coming.

Thanks for the donation to the Temple in honor of my becoming Sisterhood Board President next month.