The map on the side of our RV is starting to take shape. We make a ceremony of adding each new state to the map, usually at the official welcome center on the Interstate. It's really exciting to watch it grow.
By the way, did you know that our RV is named "Popeye?" (We even have the name on the door.) Popeye is from an old Stan Freeburg bit. It is the boat that George Washington used to cross the Delaware. Popeye (the boat) had a striped (2 syllables) awning as does Popeye the RV.
Wow! So many states already! Is your air conditioner working? No gourmet carry out at this camp site?
Hope the storm is like the one they have predicted for two nights here - no rain!
Celebrated Mindy and Glenn's birthday yesterday, after Miranda's birthday party at a gymnastics facility.
Oops. should have been Mindy and Glenn's anniversary!
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