Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Guy

Brian arrived on Tuesday and we are so excited to see him. It's been over a year and I really missed him. After some time getting used to the campground and swatting at the annoying mosquitoes we settled in. On Wednesday we are off most of the day, but Jeff has caught my cold and is suffering and sleeping. B and I spent some time spending money at the outlet stores where Brian was able to buy shoes and some clothing. I was flying solo for the nighttime sing-a-long and luckily Brian came and helped me. We had fun singing B-I-N-G-O and other songs with the kids. Brian is using Jeff's bicycle and after some curious routing has found his way around the site.

On Thursday I had a full schedule and Jeff had recovered enough to drive the tractor for the wagon ride. This week is a fiesta theme and Jeff and another employee, Chuck, are wearing large sombreros to get in the mood. Brian joined me in the "escort" golf cart. We follow the wagon around and make sure no one jumps on or off at inappropriate times. The kids all vie to ride on the cart and many more follow on their bicycles. Brian was lucky enough to ride in the front seat with me and we had a good time. Just pretend you don't see the huge inflated lizard on the roof.
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