Wednesday, April 01, 2020

The Times They Are a-Changin'

Monday was day 14 of being in the house. So far, so good. We are busy looking at clever videos and jokes on Facebook and reading our emails. I was scheduled for my annual blood work for my wellness visit next week with my primary care doctor. I spent too much time worrying about whether to go or cancel. In the end I went early, wore gloves and mask and got in and out quickly. I even brought my own pen to fill in forms. Turns out they were prepared with a receptionist stationed in the lobby and only patients were allowed in the office. They said I didn't need the mask and gloves as they were disinfecting. But, someone walked into the lobby in front of me and another behind me and the door handles were not wiped. So that got done and I got a message from my doctor requesting a video meeting instead of coming into the office which is fine with me.

Since I was out I got gas at a low, low price of 1.89 and then bought some groceries to keep us completely stocked. A walk, a book and TV rounded out the day.

Tuesday is the last day of the month as though that matters now when everyday is the same. I had Julie come in to clean and that was another tough decision. Jeff and I stayed completely away and on the porch while she was here. I took Sirius for a walk and then I walked to Hidden Cypress, but the alligator and babies were nowhere to be seen. Not as pretty as the nature trail, but I have decided that I come into close contact with too many people on the boardwalk.

I did explore the new pickleball courts, volleyball and new bathrooms. There is a nice new sidewalk connecting this area to the softball field and lots of parking spaces.

There were three Roomba type mowers cutting the softball field. Pretty impressive!

Today is Wednesday and that is not an April Fool's joke. It was chilly, only low 60's. We had a lovely pair of  goldfinches at the feeder and a Carolina chickadee.

Sirius and I walked at Lake Somerset in the morning. I cleaned out the freezers in the house and garage. I was on a mission to find my Passover shank bone that I keep from year to year to use on the seder plate. Yes, found it! In the afternoon I did some text messaging for the Jaime Harrison for US Senate campaign and then took a long walk around the neighborhood. I am up to three miles and listened to some good music that had me dancing down the street.

After an early supper of mixed green salad with couscous and avocado I watched the daily Corona Virus update. Then Jeff and I headed to the garage to put away the Halloween/Chanukah/XMAS stuff. It's about time. We got all that up into the attic and I hate the ladder and take extra caution. Then we moved stuff around and it looks pretty good. Tomorrow I will sweep and have one more project done.

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