Wednesday, April 08, 2020


Tonight is the first seder for Passover. Jeff and I decided to have a virtual seder and sent out invitations a few weeks ago. Jeff created a Haggadah appropriate for the current times and emailed it to our guests. It all worked out great with everyone at their table celebrating our holiday of freedom.

It was supposed to rain today, but turned out hot and sunny. Sirius and I walked at Hidden Cypress and later I took a two mile walk around the neighborhood. Then I made chicken soup with matzoh balls and had made the charoset yesterday. My friend Judy made her delicious gefilte fish and dropped it off on Monday.

By mid-afternoon I had the table set with good china and my grandmother's soup bowls. The seder plate looked beautiful with a large orange on top.

The table looked great with the laptop arranged so we could see everyone. It was quite a success and everyone got on the site and we could see and hear them. A miracle!

Jeff wore his matzoh tie and kippah.

Here is a shot of the computer screen and each person got to read a section. It was funny to do the singing with a time delay putting everyone on their own. We all did show and tell  with holiday items our kids had made in school We still use an afikomen cover that Brian made at the JCC nursery school.

All in all we were very happy and turned the holiday into a great celebration.

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