Saturday, April 25, 2020

Let It Be

Another Thursday, number 38 and more of the same. I continue to walk a few times a day and so thankful that we have Sirius to snuggled with and cheer us on. He is loving having us home and getting so much attention. It poured  all day and was really gloomy. Jeff enjoyed sitting on the porch in his hammock chair and reading.

A special treat on Friday as we ordered dinner from Jameson's. Just a little change in the schedule. I also made cookies using ripe bananas, applesauce, oatmeal, raisins and chocolate chips. They turned out pretty good and a sweet treat.

Our governor opened retail stores, but no beaches yet. We are staying put and keeping safe at home. I could shop, but have nowhere to go so don't need new clothes or shoes.

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