Sunday, May 03, 2020

Like A Rolling Stone

Sunday is day 41 and sadly it was to be our annual Hadassah Starfish Walk on Coligny Beach. This is the biggest fund raiser of our year and, hopefully, it can be rescheduled for the end of summer. I continue to walk and even did a four mile circuit around the back end of our neighborhood. Today's title is for the music I listen to while walking - Rolling Stone Magazine top 500 songs.

Monday and everyday seem to blend into one another. I constantly have to check my watch to see what day it is as I can't tell from the calendar anymore. I have so many appointments crossed out and have rescheduled many doctor appointments and regular tests and dental visits.

Tuesday was a sad day as our new sister-in-law Elaine was laid to rest in New Jersey. She became ill in January and cancer took her life very quickly. RIP poor Elaine as she and Rick would have been married one year in July.

Wednesday is a day I look forward to for my regular class from Mickve Israel. We now meet weekly and discuss a variety of topics including TV and movies. So many wonderful things to stream and watch on TV or my computer. Makes the time go quickly.

On Thursday Jeff and I took a walk at the Pinckney Wildlife Refuge. We were surprised to find the parking lot full and saw a few people on the walk to the pond where egrets are nesting with young chicks. Lots of Little Blue Herons.

Mama Egret with a chick.

Snowy Egret with "Golden Slippers."

Common Gallinule

I was walking around the pond when an alligator began to bellow. The noise was terrifying and I ran back to safety near some other folks.One guy thought it was a motorcycle - it was that loud. Just a giant mating call and we soon saw him swim across the pond to court a lady gator.

Later that afternoon we took our golf cart to visit Susie and Art. It was Susie's birthday and we met two other couples there to sing Happy Birthday from our well spaced carts.

Friday (May Day) was a long day as we drove to Charleston for Jeff to have a CT Scan at MUSC. I dropped him at the hospital and then continued on to shop at Trader Joe's. I had my list and a few requests from others so I brought a large ice chest so I could purchase frozen stuff. I got Jeff and we stopped in a parking lot to eat our bag lunches and then continued home.

Saturday we treated ourselves to dinner from the new Frankie Bones in Bluffton. Sunday we were scheduled to do services at Parris Island, but it was cancelled. There are no recruits on base now. It is amazing to realize how much this virus has affected every aspect of our lives and our country.

Today is Sunday and so exciting as I had a pair of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks at our feeder. This is not a bird usually seen here. Top photo is the female and bottom is the colorful male in breeding plumage.

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