Sunday, April 05, 2020

Surfin' Bird

Thursday, Day 17 in the house. Woke up to 49 degrees which is quite chilly. I decided to start off with my planned chore of sweeping the garage. With that done I took Sirius to Hidden Cypress for a walk. Thank goodness for dogs who love us and keep us moving. Sirius has been so happy to have more time with us the last few weeks.

In the afternoon I walked again and enjoying my book The Plot Against America by Philip Roth even though it is very disturbing.

On Friday there was nothing special except for more walking. I do get dressed everyday, but no makeup. Poor cosmetic companies will be broke after this. I wear earrings as my friend Judy reminded me that our pierced holes may close up if we don't wear earrings. So I dutifully select a pair of earrings to go with my sweats each day.

Another Saturday to add to the list and Sirius and I walked near the Lakehouse on the north side of Sun City. We saw the new model park from the outside. At 11:00 I attended Shabbat service online from Mickve Israel. Rabbi Haas does a great job and the service helps me to tackle this virus and life as it is.

I walked to Hidden Cypress (2 1/2 miles) in the afternoon and it was very hot. Hardly anyone around and few cars. I got home and collapsed on the bed and then finally got up my strength to take a shower and get ready for the exciting evening. Sadly we attended Shiva Services for the daughter of dear friends which were held online. We feel so badly that we can't be there in person to give a real hug and say our condolences. Later we finished watching Unorthodox and really enjoyed the show.

This beautiful Downy Woodpecker visits our feeder daily. I think our bluebird babies have hatched as I can hear a lot of chirping.

Sunday was a good bird day. This lone Cedar Waxwing showed up in our yard and here he is sitting in our neighbor's Magnolia tree.

This female Red Winged Blackbird came to visit this morning. She is very pretty.

Sirius and I walked around Town Center this morning and saw two alligators ready for mating on the bank. In the afternoon Jeff and I sat on the porch and read. I finished my book and then went in to try my luck against the computer at Mah Jongg. We had a special treat as the Osprey returned and posed across the lagoon for a long time.

In a few minutes we'll go online for Shiva and then an exciting night of TV.

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