Wednesday, April 22, 2020

God Bless America

Another week has flown by and we are still hunkered down in the house. I'll start with Thursday, April 16. As usual I walk Sirius in the morning and then we come home and he eats and I have oatmeal or granola with fruit. Late morning or afternoon I take a longer walk and much faster. So far, so good as I am tracking my walks, standing and total steps on my Apple Watch.

At night I sadly attended a Zoom service to commemorate the one year anniversary of the death of my cousin JoAnn. She went much too early and it was good to see all my cousins and her family remember her with prayers and stories.

The rest of the week was more of the same with occasional visits from friends. We stay a safe distance apart and enjoy getting to see a face in person. Jeff had a few appointments and went to the supermarket twice. We are doing well with food. When I look at the calendar I realize what an active life we had and missing so much.

Many of our neighborhoods are decorating the signs with thank you's to the first responders, medical staff, military, grocery workers and truckers.

Wednesday morning, day 37, I had my Mickve Israel class online. We are discussing movies and short features. Gives us lots to do to get ready and lively conversations. Tonight I went over to the rookery to see the nesting birds. The great egrets have tiny chicks and the wood storks are very busy building nests.

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