Monday, August 31, 2009

Happy Sad

Well here we are. Almost 4 months have gone by. While 4 months is a long time it seems in many ways as if we have not been here so long.

It's been a wonderful summer. The job was fun (although strenuous) and the weather was (sometimes) good. Lots of fresh air and sun. The crowds have now thinned out. Only about 400 guests in the park now (as opposed to peaks of 2300-2400). We'll have maybe 1200 this weekend. The weather has cooled down quite a bit - high today 67 degrees. I have enjoyed my time here (perhaps more than Judy) and I will miss it.

Having said that, I can't wait to get back home! Friends, activities, our big house, 2 cars! We have decided to wait for at least a month or so before we decide whether to come back next year. There are a few changes -- plus one big change -- that make the job somewhat less attractive than it was this year. We have been asked to come back, and we are certainly not burning any bridges. But we are much too close to the situation now. Another month will give us some perspective.

Who knows? Maybe we'll go back to Alaska. But we did enjoy staying in one place and not having to set up again almost every day. There is no lack of variety in the situations that are available. We'll keep our eyes and our minds open and see what happens.

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