Friday, August 14, 2009

Give My Regards To Broadway

A great night spent at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center with Susan and Dan Shearer. We attended a performance of the Philadelphia Orchestra called "Broadway Rocks" and it was a perfect night for sitting on the lawn and relaxing. Susan is the daughter of our friends Alice and Howard Welt. Alice and Jeff grew up together in Yardley and we were all friends there as adults. Lo and behold they now winter in Savannah and we have renewed our friendship in the south.

Susan and Dan live and work in the Albany area and we met up in time to enjoy some subs and chips and then enjoy the concert. The musicians opened with selections from West Side Story and then were joined by four singer/dancers who performed numbers from Grease, Footloose, Wicked, Fame... They were okay, but the venue is great and the night sky was gorgeous, full of stars...
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