Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Tide is High

Yet another gloomy day - when will it end? The river is very high and many of the campground sites and roads are flooded. Had a haircut this morning and then we stopped at the supermarket. After all the chores were done we headed up to Brant Lake for dinner with friends. I met Ruth Ryan playing pickleball at Sun City. I liked her right away as she is bubbly, friendly and laughs easily. As we talked we realized that I would be spending the summer about 20 minutes from her lake house.

Tonight Jeff, Ziggy and I drove up there. Ruth and her husband Tom have a beautiful home facing the picturesque lake with their own dock/sitting area right on the lake. They also have a boat and jet skis which we hope to see when the sun appears. Ziggy was invited to meet their chocolate lab, Molly, who is also 11 years old. The two dogs got along well and that is a miracle for Ziggy who likes people and usually doesn't do that well mingling with dogs. Ziggy liked the dock area and even did some wading in the lake.

We had a pleasant evening with a terrific meal and good conversation. It's weird that Ruth and Tom know two more couples on their lake that also live in Sun City in the winter season. Anyway we ate, drank and talked and then headed home. Tomorrow we work and Jeff will be driving the shuttle starting at 9am. I am working with the boats in the afternoon.

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