Saturday, June 27, 2009

Battle of New Orleans

Okay, we weren't in New Orleans, but Carol and I did drive to Fort Ticonderoga to see a reenactment from the French and Indian War. We started the day by heading north and stopping to shop and eat in Bolton Landing. We agree that it is a cuter town than Lake George, but much smaller. Heading out we encountered more rain and got to Ticonderoga in time to see the end of the battle. Kudos to the reenactors for their costumes and dedication. There were whole families there dressed in authentic looking clothing complete with weapons. I laughed at the guys who were the indians as they wore loincloths and not much else except war paint. We walked around the tent area and looked at the sutlers selling clothing, weapons and colonial stuff for cooking and recreation.

Afterwards we visited the fort and saw many cannon and their small museum. The fort sits on a small area of land between Lake George on its south and Lake Champlain to the north.

Back at the campground we joined Jeff for dinner at the buffet at our grill. Later we built a fire and sat around enjoying the warmth and glow.

1 comment:

Abigail Frank said...

Randomly found your page, very cool!