Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Drowned Rat Brigade

Judy's blog entry pretty much described the Mardi Gras wagon ride, but you have to see what the riders really looked like. When the guests ask whether events are still on in the rain, our boss says that the answer is, "If you're crazy enough to come, we're crazy enough to go!" Some of these folks actually came with us for all three rides. Notice the nice, serene ambient noise we enjoyed.

As Judy said, we threw Tootsie Rolls to the guests. When we got back, my jacket was waterlogged so I left it out in the screen room. I had left some Tootsie Rolls in my jacket pocket. This morning there were Tootsie Roll wrappers all over the screen room and muddy little critter footprints all over my jacket. I just hope there aren't critter pellets in my jacket pocket. Ah - the joys of communing with nature.

This afternoon some of us are going for tubing training. The tubing starts next week. The river is still really cold, and we are wondering just how many guests will want to go tubing. But, "If you're crazy enough to come, we're crazy enough to go!"

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